Most Common Questions From Our Customers In Last 3 Years!

Honcoop makes your life very easy. We send one box of pet food at a time and when that box is just about gone, we send you a new one. That way, you’ll never have to worry about freshness or an expiration date. Your dog won’t let it expire, trust us! We believe your pet’,s food should be fresh so even though it could potentially stay good for up to a year in the freezer, we recommend keeping it for no longer than 6 months, frozen. Once you’ve thawed your Honcoop pet food, leave it no longer than one week refrigerated. You’ll soon see freeze-dried pet snacks on our website! Stay tuned to learn about the storage, health and feeding benefits of these impossible-to-resist pet snacks! For more tips and tricks on all kinds of pet food related topics, check us out on Facebook and Instagram @honcoopetmeals or email us at honcoopenterprises@gmail.com or call us at 352-426-6326. We’ll always reply.

No it’s not. It’s customer based. If you want to try out a variety pack or buy a box of beef, pork, chicken or fish, you can. No strings attached. We do recommend adding your pet to our user-friendly pet list. This ensures, your pet will receive fresh food on time, all the time and the only thing you’ll have to do is feed it to them. Heck, it’s already cooked, packaged and in your freezer! Now that’s easy! For more FAQ’s please visit us on Facebook or Instagram @honcoopetmeals

The simple answer is no. At Honcoop, we refuse to add artificial product enhancing ingredients for looks or longevity. We pride ourselves on a diet that is on par with nature in all our recipes. Whether you choose our Beef, Pork, Chicken, or Fish rest assured, your pet’s food is as nutritionally sound as it can get. For more information, feel free to call us or send us an email. We’re excited to speak with you! Additionally, Honcoop always posts new and up to date content you may find relevant for your pet. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @honcoopetmeals Honcoop Enterprises LLC 352-426-6326 honcoopenterprises@gmail.com

Quite the opposite. We cook our meat and steam our veggies. We’ve observed that dogs prefer cooked food and the cooking process ensures that harmful bacteria are not present. It’s great for you too because who wants to handle raw meat? All you have to do is serve it. It’s prepared, it’s healthy and your Dog will love it!

HONCOOP Natural Pet Food feels like ground beef. It’s not dry, it’s not wet, it’s just right! This consistency is good for pups whose teeth are developing, mature dogs with strong teeth and older dogs whose teeth are weakening. No matter the age or breed of your dog, we are confident that our healthy recipes will benefit your pet.